our logos

Our logo is the most visible element of our identity - a universal signature across our communications. It is a guarantee of quality that unites our products and services. Our logo is a bold, simple, graphic statement which should be applied consistently across all of out communications. Our logo is made up of two parts - our symbol and wordmark. These two elements combine to make up the Dash In logo.


portrait logo

The portrait version of the logo consists of the word mark and symbol stacked together. This logo is available in various color formats.

landscape logo

The landscape version of the logo consists of the word mark and the symbol aligned side by side. This logo is available in various color formats.


usage instructions

Logo color specifications

Both the portrait and landscape logos are available in two color formats, as well as black and white versions. These are the official marks that should be used in all print and digital communications. Always ensure the background offers sufficient contrast to the logo.

The color version of the logo should be used in all instances where possible, against light backgrounds.

Color Reverse
The color reverse version of the logo should be used against dark backgrounds.

The black version of the logo should be used in instances where color is not permitted, and against light backgrounds.

The white version of the logo should be used in instances where color is not permitted, and against dark backgrounds.

Logo Clear Space

To ensure that the logo is clearly visible in all applications, surround the logo with sufficient clear space - free of type, graphics, and other elements that might cause visual clutter - to maximize the recognition and impact of our identity. 

  • A minimum clear space should be maintained around the logo at all times. The clear area is equal to the width and height of the D in DASH IN and should maintained on all sides.

  • The clear space guide also applies to the individual elements of the logotype and symbol when they are used in isolation.

    Please note: 
    If you need to resize a PNG or JPEG, remember you can only reduce the size down from a larger size. (Never try to scale up - it will look pixelated). 

    To scale PNG or JPEG logo sizes, click on the highlighted corner (usually the bottom right) to make the logo smaller. This enables you to scale keeping the logo in proportion (so you never have to worry about distorting the logo).

logo clear space.jpg

Logo correct usage

Solid Backgrounds
When using the marks against solid backgrounds, ensure that it offers sufficient contrast so the mark can be clearly seen.

Image Backgrounds
When using the logo against image backgrounds keep in mind the minimum clear space, and do not infringe on busy areas of an image. The logo should always sit on clean areas of an image that offer it sufficient contrast.

Incorrect Usage
Ensure that the logo is never placed against backgrounds that do not offer sufficient contrast, such as colors that are too similar in shade, or detailed areas of an image. The Dash In logo should always be legible and never be obstructed in any way.

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