our brand colors


Primary color palette

Red is the central color to the Dash In identity. It can be used at different levels and should be used to anchor the design whenever possible. The brand is also supported by a range of complimentary colors. The Dash In red will typically be the most prominent in corporate communications, such as on the stationery. However across customer facing communications, the supporting colors will be used more prominently, with the Dash In red serving as more of an anchor.

Color References
Below you will see the approved values for each of the colors within the color palettes. Colors should always be matched to an up-to-date Pantone swatch. A printout of these instructions will not offer an accurate color match. It is good practice to obtain a physical sample or mockup or print sample to ensure colors are accurate. CMYK values should only be used for print purposes. RGB values should only be used for on-screen purposes.

core color


dash in red

HEX: #DF302F
PMS: 485
CMYK: 5/97/100/0
RGB: 223/48/47

primary palette

dash in grAy

HEX: #51534B
PMS: 418
RGB: 81/83/75

dash in MID grAy

PMS: Cool Gray 6
RGB: 166/169/171

universal black

HEX: #000000
PMS: Black
RGB: 0, 0, 0

universal white

PMS: White
RGB: 255, 255, 255



Dash In Pink

PMS: 699 C
RGB: 244, 195, 204


Dash In amaranth

HEX: #F8485E
PMS: 1785 C
RGB: 248, 72, 94


dash in maroon

HEX: #93282C
PMS: 7622 C
RGB: 147, 40,44


dash in burgundy

HEX: #76232F
PMS: 188 C
RGB: 118, 35, 47