typography & fonts

Typography is an important tool in maintaining a clear, well-defined and consistent brand. 
Visit the TWGI Asset Library to view and download all fonts.
To access specific fonts, simply use the links below.


secondary font | proxima nova alt (sans serif)

primary font | adelle

Adelle is the preferred font for professionally designed Wills Group communication materials.

If a designer needs a sans serif font, Proxima Nova Alt should be used. 



The Adelle font has a range of variations and weights that can be used to create emphasis. Below are some examples of how Adelle works for headlines, body copy as well as Proxima Nova Alt, which can be used when a sans serif font is required.

Standard User Typeface Usage

The Arial font should be used on all internal communications materials and all MS Office products. Arial is available on all computers and devices. It has a good range of typeface weights which allows you the versatility to be creative with your materials. Arial Bold should be used for headlines, and both Wills Group Orange and Wills Group Maroon should be used for emphasis. 

To the right you will see some examples of how to use Arial: