our brand colors


primary colors

The primary Wills Group color palette is made up of three colors. Wills Group Maroon (Pantone 7628) reflects our heritage, Wills Group Orange (Pantone 144) conveys our new and bright future, and Wills Group Slate (Pantone 425), grounds and balances the color palette. 

All colors can be used when producing text, as well as within the secondary graphic.

wills group orange

Pantone: 144
CMYK: 2/54/100/0
RGB: 241/139/33

wills group maroon

Pantone: 7628
CMYK: 24/95/92/19
RGB: 163/42/41

wills group slate

Pantone: 425
CMYK: 65/56/53/29
RGB: 85/87/89

secondary color palette

Our secondary color palette adds flexibility and depth to the visual system. Wills Group Pale Blue (Pantone 551) adds depth and style to our communications materials by complimenting our core brand colors.

wills group pale blue

Pantone: 551
CMYK: 35/12/12/0
RGB: 165/197/209

supporting highlight colors

The supporting highlight colors of Wills Group AquaWills Group Green and Wills Group Purple should be used sparingly for small amounts of color, as well we when creating graphs, charts and infographics where additional color are required.

wills group aqua

Pantone: 7710
CMYK: 80/12/29/0
RGB: 0/165/181

wills group green

Pantone: 7738
CMYK: 75/13/100/2
RGB: 71/161/65

wills group purple

Pantone: 2597
CMYK: 79/100/7/3
RGB: 94/13/139