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brand architecture

The following provides an overview of how The Wills Group brand and its operating companies should present themselves visually. 

how the brand communicates

There are six different scenarios in which the brand communicates. We build brand equity and communicate more clearly by presenting our brands consistently.

Scenario No. 1

Corporate Brand Alone

We want to build awareness for The Wills Group as a company operating many consumer-facing businesses. As such, we want to minimize instances where our corporate logo appears alone.

We also understand that our corporate logo, when shown with our operating company brands, may be constraining in certain environments and 3rd party situations. 

When it is not possible to display all of the brand logos and still maintain legibility of the marks, using The Wills Group corporate logo alone is recommended. Some situations where this will apply are:

  • Environmental signage for corporate headquarters
  • Internal systems and applications (DIFM, CRM, FLARE)
  • Corporate stationary system (letterhead, envelopes, business cards)

Scenario No. 2

Corporate Brand and Operating Company Brand Together


Our goal is to introduce TWGI as a company with a diverse set of offerings across many different businesses. For that reason, we recommend linking the corporate brand with its operating companies, when appropriate. 

  • Some parts of stationary
  • TWGI employment branding
  • Internal TWGI communications
  • Internal HR communications
  • Press releases
  • SMO/Dash In employee and franchisee communications

Brand Guidance
Internal & External Communications

  1. The corporate Wills Group logo is shown on the top right-hand side and the operating company logos are shown as a band on the bottom of the page
  2. For internal company collateral that has a longer life-span (Employee Handbook, Philosophy & Values), we recommend showing the operating company logos on the back page (as the company's assets may change over time)
  3. For collateral that is visually busy on the cover, we recommend showing the operating company logos on the back page
  4. The Wills Group logo and the Operating Company logos should always be shown in color, unless the situation requires a gray-scale application (color restrictions, 3rd party applications)

    Scenario No. 3

    Operating Company Brand without Corporate Brand Endorsement

    Scenario No. 5 Single-Brand Community Engagement also follows these rules

    The operating company brands are shown without their corporate endorsement in purely customer-facing situations. Brands without guidelines should follow the corporate guidelines. 

    These are primarily situations where customers and operating company brand employees interact directly (vs. employees interacting with other employees). 

    • In-store signage and environments
    • Employee uniforms
    • Employee tools
    • Vehicles

    Brand Guidance
    Internal Communications:

    1. One of the goals of the brand architecture is to strengthen the connection between the operating companies and the Wills Group. We want to educate employees and let them know that they are part of a larger organization.
    2. Employee materials should be endorsed with The Wills Group corporate brand (see situation #4)

    External Communications:

    1. The operating companies are shown without any endorsements to The Wills Group in consumer-facing sutations.
      • Trucks/Transportation
      • Convenience stores and gas stations
      • Uniforms
      • Packaging
      • This does not apply for recruiting/franchisee materials

    Scenario No. 4

    Operating Company Brand with Corporate Brand Endorsement

    One of the main goals in our brand architecture is to create a stronger connection between the corporate brand and the operating company brands. We do this by endorsing the operating company brand with The Wills Group corporate brand in employee and franchisee situations. 

    • Internal employee communications and touchpoints (posters, paychecks, etc)
    • Franchisee materials (contracts, onboarding, etc)
    • Employee-only environments (break rooms, etc)
    • Recruitment materials and trader show booths (brochures, flyers, banners, etc)

    The operating company brands should be shown with The Wills Group corporate endorsement in most (if not all) non-customer facing situations.

    Scenario No. 6

    Multi-Brand Community Engagement
    TWGI Corporate should be first or last (never middle)